LCG Consultants have extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of people development. Our range of customised training programs and services provide practical skills and strategies to positively develop individual and organisational capabilities and include:

Equal Opportunity Awareness (bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment and harassment)

To meet legal obligations managers and staff need to be regularly informed, trained and kept up to date as to what is and isn’t appropriate workplace behaviour. We can design and deliver customised training that will provide understanding of the latest legal developments and clarify rights and responsibilities. The training will also reinforce internal policies, processes and  organisational values.

Contact Officer

Staff who have been selected to provide an opportunity for other staff to discuss their concerns relating to harassment or bullying need to receive specialist training. They need to be confident in their role and the type of information and advice they can provide. For staff new to the role we offer a 4-hour program as well as a 2-hour refresher for staff who have been previously trained.

Developed by Greg Logan